Thursday, June 15, 2017

1440TIME 102

Why we need a new way to experience clock-time!

The clock and calendar system we currently use are basically the same since 46 BC and was tweaked in around 1582 and is called the Gregorian calendar.

This isn't about a conspiracy theory of the church, or that Mayans and that maybe the Incas had time right. It's just about applying some good ole common sense. "Time" was just different before the advent of computers and the Internet—period !!! Sure we can still keep the current clock & calendar as a way to keep social order and not interrupt the conditioning over the centuries, but just like Santa Claus, even though he exists in the minds of most, it's only the kids who believe. The standard mechanical clock today is the Santa Claus for most everyone... Sure you'll know what time it is on the standard clock, (5:00 pm) and the know the date on the calendar (December 24, 2017), but like Santa Claus, you'll know it's not real, it's what you have been programmed to think as REAL-TIME . . . since a child!!!

1440TIME gives a whole new way to experience time. It reminds us and keeps us constantly in the now, where we always belong! With 1440TIME™, every day is the same; it's just another 1440 minutes in a day in your life.  Like Santa Claus though, even though it will say Monday on the calendar, or you have an appointment at 4:30 pm, in reality, it's just another 1440 minutes in another day of your life. And you have to be somewhere at 4:30 pm, sure keep that appointment and watch Monday Night Football... but you'll know that's what you had to do, or chose to do with your time!! 
Control the clock Control the game

"Unless people experience major changes that break the routine in their lives and provide them with anchors to retrieve from memory, life can become one short, timeless sequence of routine inaction".

There are is a lot of information out there today on how to slow down the clock of life and why this happens perceptional of course! Because in reality, 24 hours is 24 hours, whether you're 5, 25, 55, or 105 right!? But nobody has used this simple and never seen before innovative technique called 1440TIME™ as of yet.

 As we age, we pay less attention to time.

When you're a kid on November 22, you’re counting down the days until Santa brings your favorite doll or bike under the tree, it seems like it will never get here. When you're an adult on November 22 you're thinking about Thanks Giving, work, bills, family life, scheduling, deadlines, travel plans, holiday shopping, and all of that other adult stuff that fills the mind today, so that one month will fly by and it will be New Years Eve before you blink! As we get older things become routine, or habit. For many people their life becomes almost mechanical; Monday is this, Friday is that, the weekends are off,  as the clock and calendar have many following an hypnotic cadence, as life now seems to be trotting on down the road faster and faster.

So what and how does 1440TIME work?

There are 1440 minutes in one day (24 x 60 = 1,440), or 24 hours equals 1440 minutes, seemingly there is no difference. So what is the difference?

  1. Only people in the military where the 24-hour clock is used actual think in terms of 24 hours. Most think by the standard 12/12 clock model. That is when you look at the clock, and you see numbers 6,7,8,9, etc.. You're not thinking in terms of 24 hours! You're already programmed to think what that number means on the clock most of the time. 6:00 am might mean it's time to get up, 7:00 am you leave your house, 8:00 am might mean the time you clock in for work, 10:00 am might mean a coffee break or cigarette break. 1:00 pm might be lunch, 4:00 pm means clock out, and 8:00 pm might mean your TV show is starting, etc... so most don't think in terms of 24 hours in the day but numbers on a circular sphere. The military does that's one of the reasons why they do 5 to 10 times more in one day than most civilians dream of doing.
  2. 1440TIME™ is broken down into 1440 units of time (minutes) rather than the 12 units of time with our current system, which equals a 12,000% increase in the number. Time, now registers in the mind as minutes, rather the antiquated hour model that has been used for thousands of years for times that it was suited for. But for the internet and computer age we are in now, I don't think so... 
  3. 1440TIME™ works in a declining fashion (patent pending) like the sun itself... It's straight time left in the day, much like how the farmers work their fields! There is no 9:00 o'clock, 11:00 o'clock, etc... They work alongside the natural laws of time, which is with the sun! It rises in the morning, ascends until 12:00 then starts in decline until dusk then darkness sets in. 

Let's look at a few examples:

Now for real-time 1440TIME™. First I have the nano, micro, second and minute digital time below to look at, why, because I have to calibrate you to 1440TIME™, and all you have to do is look at the nano for 15 seconds, then the micro, the second, and the minute for one minute. It will take less then two minutes to complete. Start now...

Now that your done you will be able to zone in on the 1440TIME™ watch. You can see in the white box 1440TIME™ working, that's how many slow minutes you still have left in your day!  Cool huh!!!!! Now, who doesn't have 15 minutes for this or 20 minutes for that? And watch how slow time becomes now....

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